Greenhouse |||

World of MARN


Working title “World of M.A.R.N.”, Massive Augmented Reality Network, is a labor of love towards some of my favorite franchises of all time: Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Monster Rancher, Dennou Coil, Summer Wars, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.


World of M.A.R.N is aimed at facilitating coming of age, mystery, and battle adventures set twenty minutes into the future. As a player, you will take control of a teen who has access to a pair of high tech glasses that use Augmented Reality (AR) to replace everyday phone, camera, and computer functionality. Play happens in an episodic style, having a central plot that can be started and finished within a single session. Episodes can be strung together to form a season, culminating with a season finale. A unique feature of this game is its optional use of cards in combination with a character sheet to represent your player character’s monsters.

The Glasses

These special glasses are what your PC will wear, replacing just about every device used on a daily basis. This is how they make calls, take pictures, access the internet, complete homework, etc. Even though they are quite expensive, the manufacturers have worked out a deal to provide pairs to every student in the school your PC attends. Most schools have worked out similar contracts in order to provide their students with the best education possible.

Some glasses have the processing power built into the frames. However a majority connect via Sharktooth to a small computer carried in the purse, bag, or pocket of the wearer to do the processing. This is called the Computer Companion version, or ComCom for short. If you have a ComCom, you need to be in the same room with it or your glasses will have limited functionality. ComCom or not, the glasses will connect to a server in the cloud to run any heavy or lengthy computations.

AR is used to display information and tools to the wearer. Hovering keyboards at your fingers and non-intrusive weather reports when looking at the sky are commonplace. Ads have been disabled outside of shopping establishments unless you are browsing the net. Typically hand gestures are used to trigger and utilize programs.

Functionally, almost all of the glasses are the same, but there are many varieties of looks to choose from. Those with money or connections to the manufacturer may be able to get their hands on prototypes or prototype functionality, but that is rare.

Glasses are at full capacity when the Sync Rate between the user and the glasses are at maximum percent. No one is ever at full percentage, but different enhancements will increase a user’s ability to maintain a higher sync rate. If you are harmed in the digital space, your sync rate is affected. Glasses shut down after sync rate goes to zero. There are some studies that show negative mental effects when glasses are force reset due to sync rate while a user is actively engaged.


MARNsters are the digital creatures that inhabit the AR world. When you first get your glasses, you will be given three Marnsters at random to choose from. It is common for glass users to compete and battle with each other using their Marnsters.


Each game takes place within a district of a larger city where the students live. There may be occasion for school trips to other areas. Hex cards are used to represent the city map, and you can use the number letter combinations to create adventure scenarios and plot hooks.


All dictionary words will be bold italicized the first time they appear in the document. Or should be at least… TODO

Augmented Reality (AR)

Computer Companion (ComCom)

Gate Warden (GW)

  • Name for the GM in this TTRPG. Also fitting for in game challenge characters.



Non-Player Character (NPC)

Player Character (PC)


Sync Rate

Misc. Ideas and TBDs

  • Floating card binders, maybe like the CLOW book
    • Players keep real 1/2 inch binders for their cards
    • Or use Miro or some other digital board of course
    • Marnsters are numbered by gate (set)
  • Summon gates, use gate cards to travel to different worlds or zones
    • Augments your current environment differently and adds unique locations, marns, legendaries, npcs, etc.
    • Win against gate wardens for new gate cards, travel with friends, or trade
  • Judges, like in Final Fantasy Tactics. Eventually the judges go off the rails?
  • Consider adding the concept of the ‘architects’ who set the digital world in motion. Maybe they made an AI to run the simulation, but it has run off the rails. Perhaps there are good AI and bad AI. Quest to free the good AI and fight the dark. Amazing experience to come across and meet / team up with an architect.
  • Diegetic classes like researcher, breeder, ace, lass, etc.
    • start with none
    • bounty hunter, glitch hunter, judge (stops illegal activity)
    • quest logs (like Horizon Zero Dawn) - not sure how to execute, maybe on cards?
  • Digital world events like a flood, grab a rebreather and use your water marns or battle on roofs. Seasons, etc.
  • Sensory Input
    • Gloves to make the Marnsters feel real?
    • inputs on the glasses helmet send ‘sensory’ data into your brain to give you smells, chills, sensations, etc (?)
    • plug suits? summer / winter
  • AR Landscape
    • add lots of water / waterfalls in AR, whether or not it is real - allows for water marns
    • add forest, mountains, shops
    • Real city cards to go along with AR zones - pointcrawls, boroughs in Electric Bastionland
    • subways between real cities or areas
    • landscape changes with zones
  • Add some info about downtime activities between ‘meetups’ between glass users (players)
  • Encounter legendary Marnsters (large boss versions of normal Marnsters)
  • ‘The architect’ lives in the city and is the final boss
  • Lose digital currency when you lose, and it is a lot (big percentage)
    • Maybe this currency is super important?
  • Consider having rankings and teams like airgear - multiple types of battles / challenges
  • There are unofficial challenges and legitimized challenges
  • Can visit your PC friends apartments & talk with their parents etc.
  • Trade quests
  • TMs (Reuseable of course)
  • Trainer cards
  • Kids have stats and can punch each other in real life, but that is no fun
  • Mysteries following the three clue rule from the Alexandrian
  • Maybe Augrmon are ‘buildable’ with cores, features, moves, etc.
    • Perhaps ‘designers’ is a pursuable skill tree
  • Moves are kind of like weapons in that they do a certain amount of typed damage and always hit
  • How can I show diegetic trainer / mon bond and also have some impact on play
  • Gamecube and PS1/2 memory cards, are they useful for a concept? Floppy disks?
  • In game achievement system or reward system. Hidden? Merit badges? Set your profile?
    • Capture or breed 20 unique Marnsters
    • Win 24 battles
  • Build your Marnsters over time buy buying moves, stat increases, looks, evolutions, etc?
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